GDPR Privacy Policy

How we use personal information about you?

Solos Barber Shop takes the protection of personal data extremely seriously and we always strive to ensure that, at all times, it is protected with appropriate procedural, organisational and technical measures, and that data is only collected and used for appropriate and legitimate purposes.

Solos Barber Shop will only use your personal in accordance with your instructions and current data protection regulations.

What personal data we may collect about you?

Solos Barber Shop is bound by the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  As a client we may need to ask for personal information about you this data may include:

  • Personal information including addresses, contact details, date of birth, marital status.
  • How will this data be processed;

Personal information is only processed by Solos Barber Shop.

Please note that we may also process some of this personal information for the following purposes:

  • Updating our client records system.
  • Analysis for management purposes.
  • Statistical data.

How long we keep your data for?

We will typically hold your personal information for 1 year or where explicitly requested by you.

Sharing and transmitting personal data;

Solos Barber Shop will NEVER share and transmitting your personal data.

How we communicate with you?

Solos Barber Shop may contact you using telephone numbers, email addresses or addresses ‘volunteered’ by you as part an initial communication.

We may occasionally send text messages to your mobile phone number, but this will only be in relation to services agreed with you. These texts will never contain your personal details and will never be used for marketing purposes.

We will only send text messages to your mobile if you specifically agree to receive them.

We may also occasionally use your personal information to send you relevant information about third parties that we think you may be interested in.

We will only send you these types of communications if you specifically agree to receive them.

Security of Data?

Solos Barber Shop is committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure we have put in place various physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information.

Right of access to data about you;

GDPR gives you the legal right to access personal data about you that is held by Solos Barber Shop.  It allows you to check the lawfulness of any data processing, to ask for incorrect data to be changed, and for data about you to be erased (within any legal or regulatory constraints).

We have appointed a Data Protection Officer who is responsible for overseeing questions in relation to this privacy notice. If you have any questions about this privacy notice, including any requests to exercise your legal rights, please contact the Data Protection Officer using the details set out below. 

Contact details

Our full details are:

• Full name of legal entity: Solos Barber Shop

• Name or title of Data Protection Officer: George Fotiou

• Email address: [email protected]

• Postal address: Agiou Andreou 302, Office A, 3035 Limassol, Cyprus

You have the right to make a complaint at any time to the relevant data protection supervisory authority. We would, however, appreciate the chance to deal with your concerns before you approach the supervisory authority so please contact us in the first instance.

Changes to our privacy policy

We regularly review this GDPR privacy policy.  Any changes will be applied to the GDPR with ‘material’ changes will be communicated directly to you at our next opportunity.